Events Calendar

The Dark Side of Light - Effects of Light Pollution on Avian Biology and Foraging in Urban Environments
Tuesday, February 23, 2021, 07:00pm - 08:00pm
Hits : 590

DATE:  February 23, 2021

TIME:  7:00 PM - 8:00 PM 

TITLE:  The Dark Side of Light:  Effects of Light Pollution on Avian Biology and Foraging in Urban Environments

PROGRAM: Dr. Brett Seymoure of Washington University will introduce the cause and problem of artificial light at night and the main mechanisms through which it alters bird biology. He will present data showing how artificial light alters the visual abilities and physiology of birds including a study on bird predation of moths under artificial light sources.

PRESENTER:  Brett Seymore, Ph.D., Washington University, and IDA Missouri Board Member

HOW TO PARTICIPATE:  Visit the St. Louis Audubon Society website to register:




Our Mission

The mission of DarkSky Missouri is to raise awareness about light pollution issues in Missouri, promote quality outdoor lighting, protect our natural environment and our beautiful night sky, and educate the public how reducing light pollution can lower energy costs.